Friday, January 7, 2011

True Love Waits

"When I fall in love, it will be forever."- When I Fall in Love by Nat King Cole

One of my favorite blogs to read is the one by my dear friend, Carly, about her love story. I always tell her that it makes my heart smile. I love seeing my friends happy. And it's wonderful because I believe that Carly has found true love. Not only with BJ, but with God. By falling so deeply in love with God, she found a remarkable love with BJ.

Carly saw BJ for the first time, as her boyfriend, only a few weeks ago. Her living in Oklahoma and him living in Florida, it's been difficult I know. She has definitely had to wait for her true love.

We always hear the phrase, "True love waits." Usually it's referring to the sexual aspect. That true love waits. True love will come if you wait and stay pure. That is very much true. If you keep your heart and mind pure, God will bring you THE ONE. The one of your dreams. The one who will complete you. The one that you will spend the rest of your life with. There's a way to keep your heart and mind pure. FALL IN LOVE WITH GOD. By falling deeply in love with Him, He will open your mind to the things unseen. He will allow you to love everybody around you. How can you fall in love with the person God wants you to if you don't know how to love people?

So fall in love. Fall in love with God. He will give you the ability to love. But wait. Wait until God is ready to give you your earthly true love. I promise He will.

"Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires." Song of Solomon 8:4


  1. Isn't it amazing what God is doing in her life?? I love it!!

  2. Well you're in Oklahoma and I'm in Canada... ;)

  3. Why doesn't it show my picture when I post? D:
