Saturday, March 12, 2011

Prayer- Part 1: The Ultimate Prayer

A lot of people wonder, "How am I supposed to pray?" Many people ponder that so if its you, know you're not alone. The disciples of Jesus Christ didn't even know how to pray at first so they asked Him. Then Jesus said what we now know as the Lord's Prayer.

Let's go through that prayer:
Our father (possibly my favorite part. Notice how Jesus says "OUR father" and not my father or God. The name of God wasn't even allowed to be spoken by Jewish people in those days so it really came as a shock to the disciples, I'm sure, when Jesus, a Jew himself, called God father.)

Who art in Heaven hallowed be thy name. (one of my arguments for not taking God's name in vain. If God himself, Jesus, said that God's name is hallowed (holy) then it is. It just is. God is too powerful and too gracious and too mighty and too loving for you to throw around his name saying "Oh my God" all the time. If you say those words it should be out of reverence and in wonder of the mighty God we serve)

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven (Give God your all. You can't control anything. That's the first thing you gotta know. Let His will be done. Jesus points out here that His will is done also in Heaven. Heaven is the greatest place ever so don't you think that if the things He does in Heaven are good then the things He does on Earth are good too?)

Give us this day our daily bread (Blessing of the food. Classic.)

And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. (Forgiveness. We're asking God for it. But He will not forgive us until we forgive.)

And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil (the word for temptation in the Greek is Peraismos. This word means temptation but also trial and testing. I believe what we're Jesus is trying to say here is God help us with the trials of this life")

So there you go. Use the Lord's Prayer as a frame for the next time you pray and ever other time after that. Jesus taught us how to pray so we can't say we don't know. It's in the Word of God. Everything is there, point-blank. Dive into it.


"This, then, is how you should pray: 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.' For if you forgive men when they sin against you your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."  Matthew 6:9-15

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


"I sing because I'm happy. I sing because I'm free. His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me."- His Eye is on the Sparrow

If you know me well you know that I am crazy about one instrument. That instrument is the piano. I have played and taken lessons since I was five so I'd like to say that I'm experienced. The piano is beauty in my life. It's my escape and my friend.

One of the things I've learned in my years playing the piano is that in order to make beautiful music you must know how to harmonize. The notes that you play need to be in the same key or have some sort of connection to each other. If you put together two notes that don't mesh you won't get a pleasing sound.

Maybe you can relate that to your life. Do the things that are in your life plan and that you want to do and you're comfortable and everything sounds good. Do the things that make you uncomfortable and sometimes it ends up badly. You never want to make the same mistake again.

There are these things in music called the major and minor keys. The major keys always sound precise and correct and everything is good with them. The minor keys are a little off. They sound darker. However, some of the most beautiful pieces I have ever played were written in the minor key. I challenge you, play in the minor key. Do things that you think don't sound so great in the beginning and maybe you'll get something beautiful out of it.

God made you for a purpose. Yes he has planned your life but he didn't create you just so you could stay in your little comfort zone. Nobody will ever be reached if we all stay in our comfort zone. Do things that challenge you and let God take you on a journey.

"Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise." James 5:13

Friday, January 7, 2011

True Love Waits

"When I fall in love, it will be forever."- When I Fall in Love by Nat King Cole

One of my favorite blogs to read is the one by my dear friend, Carly, about her love story. I always tell her that it makes my heart smile. I love seeing my friends happy. And it's wonderful because I believe that Carly has found true love. Not only with BJ, but with God. By falling so deeply in love with God, she found a remarkable love with BJ.

Carly saw BJ for the first time, as her boyfriend, only a few weeks ago. Her living in Oklahoma and him living in Florida, it's been difficult I know. She has definitely had to wait for her true love.

We always hear the phrase, "True love waits." Usually it's referring to the sexual aspect. That true love waits. True love will come if you wait and stay pure. That is very much true. If you keep your heart and mind pure, God will bring you THE ONE. The one of your dreams. The one who will complete you. The one that you will spend the rest of your life with. There's a way to keep your heart and mind pure. FALL IN LOVE WITH GOD. By falling deeply in love with Him, He will open your mind to the things unseen. He will allow you to love everybody around you. How can you fall in love with the person God wants you to if you don't know how to love people?

So fall in love. Fall in love with God. He will give you the ability to love. But wait. Wait until God is ready to give you your earthly true love. I promise He will.

"Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires." Song of Solomon 8:4

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Favorite of the Day!

Song: Open Your Eyes by Snow Patrol

Movie: The Truman Show starring Jim Carrey

Food: peanut butter and jelly sandwich

Brand of jeans: Maurice's

Color: Yellow

Actor: Jude Law

Singer: Michael Buble

Quote: "Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own"- Robert Heinlein

Class: ROTC

TV Show: The Mentalist

Instrument: Drums

Band: Three Days Grace

"SOMEBODY HELP ME!!! I'M BEING SPONTANEOUS!!!" Jim Carrey in The Truman Show

Have a merry Christmas everybody! Remember the reason we celebrate it is because God sent His only Son to save the world. Love to you all!

Friday, December 3, 2010


"There I just said it. I'm scared you'll forget about me." Edge of Desire by John Mayer

What are you afraid of? Is it something kinda silly like clowns? Maybe it's spiders or dogs. Or maybe it's something a little more deep like being afraid of being forgotten. All of us have fears. I, myself, am scared of three things: bones, raccoons, and being alone. The first two are easily taken care of. I just have to make sure that I never break a bone or work in the medical field. I just have to make sure that I don't encounter a live raccoon again. (I've already had a run-in that scarred me for life.) The third, however, is a little deeper than my physicality.

Being alone can be different to different people. It may mean not having anyone next to you. It may mean emotionally, you're alone. You feel like nobody supports you or loves you. Being alone may mean you're single. Whatever it is you must know that you are NEVER ALONE.

God loves you so much. He's promised that He will always be there for you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. That's the kind of God we serve.

So when I say I'm scared of being alone it's more in the physical sense. I'm truly scared of not having my loved ones around me.

When you realize your fears it's easier to conquer them. And the sooner you realize you have nothing to fear, the better. Being afraid is natural. It isn't a sin. God loves you. He will give you strength to conquer the fears you have. They're just one more reason why we need Him so much.

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10

Saturday, November 27, 2010

"Sometimes goodbye is a second chance." Second Chance by Shinedown

Have you ever lost somebody? Did they die? Did they move away? Did they just drop out of your life completely for reasons unknown?

I once heard that some people will only be in your life for a season; others will stay forever. But its hard to grasp when someone does leave. We dont always understand why. God knows though. Remember that your life has already been mapped out by your creator. He knows the end of your story...and the body paragraphs.

When God closes one door, you can be sure He will open another. So just like the song says, "sometimes goodbye is a second chance".

"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future.'" Jeremiah 29:11

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Guys Around Me

"You make me feel lucky as I can be."- Lucky by Hoobastank

God has blessed me with people. He has blessed me with relationships. He has blessed me with family. He has blessed me with friends. I have a lot of great influential women in my life but at the same time I have amazing guys in my life. Those guys make me laugh so hard. Those guys stand up for me when I need it. They help me stand when I don't think I can ever stand again. So I would love to say some things about those guys! Here I go:

My hero: Daddy- My dad is in one word, my hero. He has been through so much in his life. Seeing how he has become an even better person seriously convincts me. He is daddy. He is my listener. He is my sympathizer. He is my lifeline. He is my teacher. The fact that my dad was a part of me becoming a Christian is very important to me. He is such a great husband to my mom. I want a husband just like him. I know for a fact that he loves me and always will... no matter what mistakes I make. He is the most Christ-like person I know. He truly is. He loves people unconditionally even when it's difficult. I love him so much and have no idea what I would do without him.

My protector: Joey- Joey is the best. One thing I can always say about Joey is that he is the one constant in my life. Nothing changes with him. He is stability. He's an amazing friend. I can count on him to invest in our friendship as much as I do. He's intimidating at first, but once you get to know him, he's one of the best people you'll ever meet. His influence on me is great. I feel safe with him. He's always there to protect me. I know for a fact that if anyone hurt me (physically or emotionally), that person would have a black eye from Joey the next day. Joey is a fantastic person to have in my life right now.

My entertainment and "husband": Andrew- Andrew is truly something. He never ceases to make me laugh. Our relationship is very different from the normal friendship. Something between the two of us clicks. We had to dislike each other to experience that click. I've had more hilarious moments with him than I can count. Our love-hate relationship will forever stand true. :) He's my favorite Canadian as well as my favorite taco... Hearing his voice again would be one of the greatest things I can think of. I miss him so much.

My mentor: Pastor Phil- Pastor Phil is the person I consider to be my second daddy. Him and I are what we like to call "tight". We pretty much tell each other everything. As a teenager it's very important to me that my youth pastor invests in me so much. He invests not only in our relationship but also mine and Christ's relationship. I always know that he's got my back in every situation. I love P. Phil very much and he has impacted my life in huge ways.

My big brother: Kyle- Kyle is my big brother. He's always there when I need a listening ear. He's one of the best advice givers I know. We can joke around as much as we like but somehow Kyle knows when to make it stop. He knows when to stop Evan from picking on me. He can tell when I'm not getting something during band practice. He's great at pushing my pedal back underneath my foot even when we're in the middle of service. ;) He's a phenomenal thinker. If you want a situation thought out long and hard, tell Kyle about it. He's a truly awesome friend.

My little brother: Kendall- Kendall makes me laugh. He gives the greatest hugs. He's always excited to see me, it seems. Kendall is good at making you feel special. I can have the worst Wednesday ever but when I see Kendall and he goes "Emilyyyyy" it makes me feel just that much better. I'm proud of him for a lot of things. His relationship with my friend Julissa is one of them. He's taking it at a pace that's good for him and her, even when it's so difficult. He's the best little bro a girl could ask for.

There are so many more great male figures in my life but those are just a few that I feel I need to put in the spotlight. All of them are so special and important to me. I truly don't know where I would be without them. :)